
Below you will find various examples of how to use dupsifter. Example datasets can be found in the example directory of the dupsifter source code.

1 Basic Usage

Input to dupsifter comes from either the terminal’s standard input (i.e., streamed input) or with an input BAM file. The default output is to the terminal’s standard output (i.e., streamed output), but it can also be written straight to an output file (the -o/--output option).

Examples of reading streamed input, such as from tools like biscuit and bwa-meth which stream their output, are:

# Streamed input and streamed output with BISCUIT
biscuit align -@ 8 -b 1 hg38.fa read1.fastq read2.fastq | \
dupsifter hg38.fa | \
samtools sort -@ 2 -o biscuit.sorted.markdup.bam -

# Streamed input and output BAM with bwa-meth
bwameth.py \
    --threads 8 \
    --reference hg38.fa \
    read1.fastq \
    read2.fastq | \
dupsifter -o bwameth.unsorted.markdup.bam hg38.fa

On the other hand, tools such as bismark and bsbolt default to writing a BAM file as output from their alignment. An example of using an input BAM and writing to an output BAM or streaming the output to another tool:

# Input BAM and output BAM with Bismark
bismark \
    --parallel 2 \
    --genome hg38 \
    -1 read1.fastq \
    -2 read2.fastq

dupsifter -o bismark.unsorted.markdup.bam hg38.fa read1_bismark_bt2_pe.bam

# Input BAM and streamed output with BSBolt
bsbolt Align \
    -t 8 \
    -DB hg38 \
    -O bsbolt.unsorted \
    -F1 read1.fastq \
    -F2 read2.fastq

dupsifter hg38.fa bsbolt.unsorted.bam | \
samtools sort -@ 2 -o bsbolt.sorted.markdup.bam -

dupsifter expects its input to be read-name grouped (i.e., reads with the same name next to one another in the BAM), which is how reads are output from biscuit, bismark, bsbolt, and bwa-meth. gemBS, on the other hand, performs position sorting during its alignment. Therefore, if you want to use dupsifter with BAMs from gemBS, you will have to group the reads by name with either samtools sort or samtools collate. An example with samtools sort is:

# Alignment with gemBS
# gembs.hg38.conf and gembs.sample.conf are config files that are specified ahead of time
# The output BAM from gemBS in this example is gembs.position_sorted.bam
gemBS prepare -c gembs.hg38.conf -t gembs.sample.conf
gemBS map

samtools sort -n -o gembs.name_sorted.bam gembs_position_sorted.bam

dupsifter -o gembs.name_sorted.markdup.bam hg38.fa gembs.name_sorted.bam

2 Additional Usage

2.1 Single-end vs Paired-end Reads

dupsifter defaults to running for paired-end reads. In cases where single-end reads were aligned, include the -s/--single-end option:

dupsifter --single-end -o ouput.bam hg38.fa input.bam

2.2 Adding Mate Tags

For aligners that don’t generate mate tags (MC and MQ), dupsifter includes an option (-m/--add-mate-tags) for adding mate tags during the duplicate marking stage:

dupsifter --add-mate-tags -o ouput.bam hg38.fa input.bam

If a read already has one or both of the mate tags and --add-mate-tags is included, the pre-existing tags will not be overwritten.

2.3 Duplicate Marking WGS Data

While dupsifter was written for WGBS data, it can also be used to mark WGS data with the -W/--wgs-only option:

bwa mem hg38.fa read1.fq.gz read2.fq.gz | \
dupsifter --wgs-only -o output.bam hg38.fa

2.4 Adjusting the Maximum Read Length

For long-read data, the default maximum read length may not be sufficient. In this case, you can increase the maximum length with the -l/--max-read-length option:

dupsifter --max-read-length 20000 -o output.bam hg38.fa input.bam

For current short-read technologies, the default value is more than sufficient.

2.5 Adjusting the Minimum Base Quality

For cases where the bisulfite strand information is not included, dupsifter infers the strand based on the number of C→T and G→A substitutions. By default, all bases in a read are used for counting the number of each substitution. However, in the case where a user wants to only use bases that meet a certain base quality threshold, you can adjust the minimum base quality with -b/--min-base-qual:

dupsifter --min-base-qual 20 -o output.bam hg38.fa input.bam

This option is only used when the bisulfite strand has to be inferred and is ignored otherwise.

2.6 Duplicate Marking for Reads with Cell Barcodes

For experiments that include cell barcodes, dupsifter is able to include the cell barcode as part of its signature with the -B/--has-barcode option:

dupsifter --has-barcode -o output.bam hg38.fa input.bam

For more details on how the cell barcode can be included in the read entry, see dupsifter --help or the Methodology page.

2.7 Removing Duplicates

Typically, downstream analysis tools will ignore reads flagged as duplicates that are left in the BAM file, but in cases where duplicates reads must be removed, you can remove duplicates with the -r/--remove-dups option:

dupsifter --remove-dups -o output.bam hg38.fa input.bam

3 Test Cases

BAM files aligned with biscuit, bismark, bsbolt, bwa-meth, and gemBS, as well as the FASTQ files used to generate them, have been provided for practice using dupsifter and can be found in the example directory of the dupsifter source code. Below are the results found in the output stats file for each run. All examples are created from hg38 without contigs. For testing purposes, any hg38 reference that conforms to the UCSC naming scheme (i.e., chr1 not 1) should work to recreate the results shown.

Test Case Data Creation

The following tool versions were used for the test cases:

tool version
biscuit 1.2.1
bismark 0.24.0
bsbolt 1.6.0
bwa-meth 0.2.6
gemBS 4.0.4
samtools 1.17
dupsifter 1.2.0

dupsifter is now on version 1.3.0. Changes from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 will not affect the tests shown here.

FASTQ files were were generated with Sherman:

Sherman \
    -l 150 \
    -n 900 \
    --CG_conversion 70 \
    --CH_conversion 1 \
    --genome_folder hg38_noContig \
    --paired_end \

100 duplicates were then randomly selected using Python (random seed set to 2023) and appended to the FASTQ files created by Sherman. This produced a FASTQ with a duplicate rate of 10% (100 read pairs out of 1000).


$ dupsifter \
$     -o biscuit.unsorted.markdup.bam \
$     -O biscuit.dupsifter.stats \
$     hg38_noContig.fa \
$     biscuit.unsorted.bam
$ cat biscuit.dupsifter.stats
[dupsifter] processing mode: paired-end
[dupsifter] number of individual reads processed: 2000
[dupsifter] number of reads with both reads mapped: 1000
[dupsifter] number of reads with only one read mapped to the forward strand: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with only one read mapped to the reverse strand: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with both reads marked as duplicates: 97
[dupsifter] number of reads on the forward strand marked as duplicates: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads on the reverse strand marked as duplicates: 0
[dupsifter] number of individual primary-alignment reads: 2000
[dupsifter] number of individual secondary- and supplementary-alignment reads: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with no reads mapped: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with no primary reads: 0

To briefly highlight one of the pitfalls of marking duplicates, the reason there are not the expected 100 duplicates from the biscuit data (similarly in bismark, bsbolt, and bwa-meth) is due to the aligner choosing different mapping locations for reads with multiple, equally likely potential locations. An example is shown here:

103_chr3:92733152-92733265  99  chr3  92815142  0  150M  =  92815106  114  (remainder not shown)
103_chr3:92733152-92733265  147  chr3  92815106  0  150M  =  92815142  114  (remainder not shown)
dup_103_chr3:92733152-92733265  99  chr3  93567084  0  150M  =  93567048  114  (remainder not shown)
dup_103_chr3:92733152-92733265  147  chr3  93567048  0  150M  =  93567084  114  (remainder not shown)

3.2 Bismark

$ dupsifter \
$     -o bismark.unsorted.markdup.bam \
$     -O bismark.dupsifter.stats \
$     hg38_noContig.fa \
$     bismark.unsorted.bam
$ cat bismark.dupsifter.stats
[dupsifter] processing mode: paired-end
[dupsifter] number of individual reads processed: 1924
[dupsifter] number of reads with both reads mapped: 962
[dupsifter] number of reads with only one read mapped to the forward strand: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with only one read mapped to the reverse strand: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with both reads marked as duplicates: 96
[dupsifter] number of reads on the forward strand marked as duplicates: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads on the reverse strand marked as duplicates: 0
[dupsifter] number of individual primary-alignment reads: 1924
[dupsifter] number of individual secondary- and supplementary-alignment reads: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with no reads mapped: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with no primary reads: 0

During alignment, bismark splits the FASTQ into chunks when aligning with more than one thread. The aligned reads are then merged into one output BAM; however, the read order is not necessarily the same as in the FASTQ. This provides an opportunity to highlight dupsifter choosing the first read found with a given signature as the “non-duplicate.” In read1.fastq, all reads that were selected as duplicates of the simulated reads had dup_ prepended to the name and were placed at the end of the FASTQ. However, during alignment, some of the reads ended up before the original read in the BAM. Below is an example of the original read being marked as a duplicate.

dup_80_chr16:52422066-52422154/1  99  chr16  52422066  42  150M  =  52422005  211  (remainder not shown)
dup_80_chr16:52422066-52422154/1  147  chr16  52422005  42  150M  =  52422066  -211  (remainder not shown)
80_chr16:52422066-52422154/1  1123  chr16  52422066  42  150M  =  52422005  211  (remainder not shown)
80_chr16:52422066-52422154/1  1171  chr16  52422005  42  150M  =  52422066  -211  (remainder not shown)

While there is a known order to the reads in this simulated example, the original template strand that PCR duplicates were created from in a real experiment cannot be distinguished. Therefore, choosing the first appearance of a given signature is a reasonable choice for the “non-duplicate.”

3.3 BSBolt

$ dupsifter \
$     -o bsbolt.unsorted.markdup.bam \
$     -O bsbolt.dupsifter.stats \
$     hg38_noContig.fa \
$     bsbolt.unsorted.bam
$ cat bsbolt.dupsifter.stats
[dupsifter] processing mode: paired-end
[dupsifter] number of individual reads processed: 2000
[dupsifter] number of reads with both reads mapped: 977
[dupsifter] number of reads with only one read mapped to the forward strand: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with only one read mapped to the reverse strand: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with both reads marked as duplicates: 97
[dupsifter] number of reads on the forward strand marked as duplicates: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads on the reverse strand marked as duplicates: 0
[dupsifter] number of individual primary-alignment reads: 2000
[dupsifter] number of individual secondary- and supplementary-alignment reads: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with no reads mapped: 23
[dupsifter] number of reads with no primary reads: 0

3.4 bwa-meth

$ dupsifter \
$     -o bwameth.unsorted.markdup.bam \
$     -O bwameth.dupsifter.stats \
$     hg38_noContig.fa \
$     bwameth.unsorted.bam
$ cat bwameth.dupsifter.stats
[dupsifter] processing mode: paired-end
[dupsifter] number of individual reads processed: 2000
[dupsifter] number of reads with both reads mapped: 1000
[dupsifter] number of reads with only one read mapped to the forward strand: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with only one read mapped to the reverse strand: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with both reads marked as duplicates: 97
[dupsifter] number of reads on the forward strand marked as duplicates: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads on the reverse strand marked as duplicates: 0
[dupsifter] number of individual primary-alignment reads: 2000
[dupsifter] number of individual secondary- and supplementary-alignment reads: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with no reads mapped: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with no primary reads: 0

3.5 gemBS

$ samtools sort -n -o gembs.name_sorted.bam gembs.position_sorted.bam
$ dupsifter \
$     -o gembs.name_sorted.markdup.bam \
$     -O gembs.dupsifter.stats \
$     hg38_noContig.fa \
$     gembs.name_sorted.bam
$ cat gembs.dupsifter.stats
[dupsifter] processing mode: paired-end
[dupsifter] number of individual reads processed: 2000
[dupsifter] number of reads with both reads mapped: 1000
[dupsifter] number of reads with only one read mapped to the forward strand: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with only one read mapped to the reverse strand: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with both reads marked as duplicates: 100
[dupsifter] number of reads on the forward strand marked as duplicates: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads on the reverse strand marked as duplicates: 0
[dupsifter] number of individual primary-alignment reads: 2000
[dupsifter] number of individual secondary- and supplementary-alignment reads: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with no reads mapped: 0
[dupsifter] number of reads with no primary reads: 0