Allele-specific Methylation

Allele-specific methylation can be extracted from the pairwise epiread files via:

biscuit epiread -@ NTHREADS -P -B snps.bed \
    /path/to/my_reference.fa my_output.bam | \
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n my_output.pairwise > my_output.sorted.pairwise

biscuit asm my_output.sorted.pairwise > my_output.asm

An example of the .asm file format is:

chr11    2132802    2132844    T/C    T/C    0    1    2    0    3.333333e-01    8.326452e-02
chr11    2132851    2132804    T/C    T/C    1    0    0    1    1.000000e+00    1.572992e-01

The columns represent:

  1. Chromosome name
  2. SNP location
  3. CpG location
  4. SNP1/SNP2 (SNPs for row1/row2 in contingency table)
  5. CpG1/CpG2 (CpGs for col1/col2 in contingency table)
  6. SNP1-CpG1 count (contingency table value in row1-col1)
  7. SNP1-CpG2 count (contingency table value in row1-col2)
  8. SNP2-CpG1 count (contingency table value in row2-col1)
  9. SNP2-CpG2 count (contingency table value in row2-col2)
  10. Two-tail Fisher’s exact p-value
  11. χ2 p-value