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Queries the provided regions and produces M/beta and Coverage matrices and their genomic positions. Parallelized across files using threads from the "iscream.threads" option. The output of query_all may be used to create a BSseq object:, query_all(...)).


  aligner = "biscuit",
  mval = TRUE,
  merged = TRUE,
  sparse = FALSE,
  prealloc = 10000,
  nthreads = NULL



A vector of bedfile paths


A vector, data frame or GenomicRanges of genomic regions. See details.


The aligner used to produce the BED files - one of "biscuit", "bismark", "bsbolt".


Whether to return M-values or beta-values with the coverage matrix. Defaults to M-value. Set mval=FALSE to get beta value matrix.


Whether the input strands have been merged/collapsed


Whether to return M and coverage matrices as sparse matrices ("dgCMatrix"). Set this TRUE only for scWGBS data


The number of rows to initialize the matrices with. If the number of methyltion loci are approximately known, this can reduce runtime as fewer resizes need to be made.


Set number of threads to use overriding the "iscream.threads" option. See ?set_threads for more information.


A named list of

  • coverage and either a beta- or M-value matrix

  • a character vector of chromosomes and numeric vector of corresponding CpG base positions

  • a character vector of the input sample names


The input regions may be string vector in the form "chr:start-end" or a GRanges object. If a data frame is provided, they must have "chr", "start", and "end" columns.


bedfiles <- system.file("extdata", package = "iscream") |>
  list.files(pattern = "[a|b|c|d].bed.gz$", full.names = TRUE)
# examine the bedfiles
colnames <- c("chr", "start", "end", "beta", "coverage")
lapply(bedfiles, function(i) knitr::kable(read.table(i, col.names = colnames)))
#> [[1]]
#> |chr  | start| end| beta| coverage|
#> |:----|-----:|---:|----:|--------:|
#> |chr1 |     1|   2|  1.0|        1|
#> |chr1 |     3|   4|  1.0|        1|
#> |chr1 |     5|   6|  0.0|        2|
#> |chr1 |     7|   8|  0.0|        1|
#> |chr1 |     9|  10|  0.5|        2|
#> |chr1 |    11|  12|  1.0|        2|
#> |chr1 |    13|  14|  1.0|        3|
#> [[2]]
#> |chr  | start| end| beta| coverage|
#> |:----|-----:|---:|----:|--------:|
#> |chr1 |     1|   2|    0|        2|
#> |chr1 |     5|   6|    1|        2|
#> |chr1 |     7|   8|    1|        1|
#> |chr1 |    11|  12|    0|        2|
#> |chr1 |    13|  14|    1|        1|
#> [[3]]
#> |chr  | start| end| beta| coverage|
#> |:----|-----:|---:|----:|--------:|
#> |chr1 |     3|   4|    1|        2|
#> |chr1 |     7|   8|    0|        2|
#> |chr1 |     9|  10|    1|        1|
#> [[4]]
#> |chr  | start| end| beta| coverage|
#> |:----|-----:|---:|----:|--------:|
#> |chr1 |     1|   2|  1.0|        1|
#> |chr1 |     3|   4|  1.0|        2|
#> |chr1 |     7|   8|  0.0|        1|
#> |chr1 |     9|  10|  0.5|        2|
#> |chr1 |    13|  14|  1.0|        1|

# make a vector of regions
regions <- c("chr1:1-6", "chr1:7-10", "chr1:11-14")
query_all(bedfiles, regions)
#> [18:06:42.337703] [iscream::query_all] [info] Querying 3 regions from 4 bedfiles
#> [18:06:42.338167] [iscream::query_all] [info] Creating metadata vectors
#> [18:06:42.338223] [iscream::query_all] [info] nrows 10000 - 9993 extra rows allocated with 0 resizes
#> [18:06:42.338229] [iscream::query_all] [info] Creating dense matrix
#> $M
#>      a b c d
#> [1,] 1 0 0 1
#> [2,] 1 0 2 2
#> [3,] 0 2 0 0
#> [4,] 0 1 0 0
#> [5,] 1 0 1 1
#> [6,] 2 0 0 0
#> [7,] 3 1 0 1
#> $Cov
#>      a b c d
#> [1,] 1 2 0 1
#> [2,] 1 0 2 2
#> [3,] 2 2 0 0
#> [4,] 1 1 2 1
#> [5,] 2 0 1 2
#> [6,] 2 2 0 0
#> [7,] 3 1 0 1
#> $pos
#> [1]  1  3  5  7  9 11 13
#> $chr
#> [1] "chr1" "chr1" "chr1" "chr1" "chr1" "chr1" "chr1"
#> $sampleNames
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
# for BSseq object run
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
library(bsseq), query_all(bedfiles, regions))
} # }